please read before filling out booking form:
payments can be made via cash, cashapp or venmo. while the full payment doesn't have to be made the day of the shoot, i will not send your gallery until it is paid. At least half is required the day of the shoot.
for all portraits (seniors, families, couples, conceptual shoots, etc), the flat fee is forty dollars.
for all concerts/events, the flat fee is thirty dollars for the first hour and ten dollars per each additional hour. if there is a cover charge, you are expected to cover mine or ensure that i don't have to pay. if your show is at night (starts past 5 pm), you may be asked to cover a plus one's fee to ensure my safety.
bands/artists will be provided a 20% discount after their first time hiring me, good from january til the end of june. This discount will reset for the second half of the year and can be used again after hiring me once at full price. This discount is for the flat fee (including additional hours) and does not apply to any possible cover charges at your show.
fees will only ever increase if the shoot location requires me to drive more than half an hour away, in which case i will calculate gas and inform you of the cost before your shoot.